Meet Dr. Shieva Ghofrany
We get all sorts of questions from our awesome community. So we thought, who better to answer them than our amazing medical advisor- the IG spectacular, much-loved, and straight talking OB/GYN, Dr Shieva Ghofrany?
This resource is intended to supplement our FAQs and dive deeper on issues and questions that matter to you as well as to help de-mystify products, pleasure, health, sex ed, and so much more. As Dr. Shieva says, it is more important than ever to "keep our focus on increasing women's knowledge to help decrease their anxiety!"
Why Dr. Shieva Joined Lovability
As Maureen's personal OB/GYN and a major inspiration to her development of the WaterSlyde, Dr. Shieva's connection to Lovability and its mission to empower identifying-women is unmistakably authentic.
Hear more on why she joined our team...

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You've Got Sexual Health Questions? We've Got Answers! *
(and if we don't, we'll try really hard to get them for you)
WaterSlyde Q&A
Is The WaterSlyde Body-Safe?
Is The WaterSlyde Disability-Friendly?
Does The WaterSlyde Have Enough Pressure?
Can Vibrators De-Sensitize Your Clitoris?
Is The WaterSlyde Safe During Pregnancy?
Hallelubeyah Personal Lubricant Q&A
Why You May Want Or Need Lubrication?
Why Is Lubrication Important?
Buttercup Condoms Q&A
Why Do You Love Lovability Condoms?
Why Are Right-Side-Up Condoms Important?
How To Use A Condom Correctly
General OB / GYN Q&A
What Should You Discuss With Your OB / GYN?

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* Medical Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical or professional advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.