When a guy starts fumbling around a drawer and finds his (rather questionable and – more than likely – not vegan) condoms under a pile of old socks from 2016 or even 2022, I go from being really turned on…to wondering if that frozen yogurt place down the street is still open!
Seriously, how many dudes have their condom game on point? Do they even exist? If you know one, please send me his number, I’d like to take him to dinner.
Face it; most guys aren’t exactly condom connoisseurs. Okay, so they know their size (XXL obviously…) but what about knowing how to put it on correctly? Being prepared at all the right times, and making sure it isn’t expired?
We think it’s pretty retro (and ridiculous) to assume that all guys are going to be the Prince Charming’s of prophylactics. In the age of dating apps and hookup culture, we often find ourselves feeling blessed that they even have one on hand in the first place. But why should we leave our night and, more importantly, our health in the hands of Mr. “I think I might have a condom somewhere around here?”
Ladies, it is time to lean into your sex life and take the protection power into your own hands. Not convinced?
Here are 9 reasons why women should carry condoms:
1. Women Know How To Put Condoms On The Right Way
I read the directions and I know what I’m doing. And with the cute and convenient Lovability buttercup condoms, I know what’s going in my body and that I’m not risking any rips or tears! When I carry my own condoms, I know I’m being safe.
2. Putting A Condom On Him Is Sexy - And Doesn’t Have To Ruin The Mood
If I carry my own condoms, I know how to put them on. That means I don’t have to pretend to stare at the ceiling while I wait for him to put it on. Or worse, endure the oh-so-awkward backwards roll on… you know the one. When I carry my own condoms, I can make protection sexy.
3. Fumbling Around With A Condom Isn’t Cute
As I’ve said before, waiting for my guy to shuffle through piles of dirty laundry to find his one (possibly ancient) Trojan turns “sexy time” to time for, well, pretty much anything else. When I carry my own condoms and come prepared, I don’t have to kill the mood. And if they're always-right-side-up Buttercup Condoms, I know with certainty which way is up and don't have to worry about which way to roll the dang thing (and no, you can't put it back on after you've rolled it on the wrong way)!
4. Women Know When They’re Planning To Have Sex
When women decide they’re having sex tonight, they’re having sex tonight. After all of the prep beforehand, how could we not? Guys on the other hand, well, they could get laid or… not? It’s always a game of chance. So why leave it up to them? When I carry my own condoms, I know I call the shots.
5. Women Want To Know What They Are Putting Inside Their Bodies
Too many times I’ve seen a dude pull out some brandless neon condom wrapper with Universe-knows-what on the ingredient list. Or worse, some crazy feature like “numbing” or “tingling” scrawled right across the package. If I’m having sex, I want to know just what’s going in to my body. Thankfully Lovability’s Buttercup Condoms are natural and vegan, with only 4 ingredients! When I carry my own condoms, I’m taking my health into my own hands!
6. Women Need To Remind Their Partner(s) How To Treat Them
Gone are the days of condom-less excuses, bargaining pleas and blue-ballsing manipulations! When I carry my own condoms, I set a standard, not only for my health but for how I should be treated. Men need to get on board with that. And yes, that's the partner we all deserve!
7. A Woman May Not Be Ready To Have Children
It’s an exciting time to be a woman. There are so many different opportunities and choices for how we want to live our lives. And for many women, a kid just may not be in the cards – yet. So why risk it? Even if you're on birth control, use dual protection to be safe. When I carry my own condoms, I choose my own future.
8. Sex Is More Pleasurable When You’re Not Worried About STIs
Anxiety (about anything, really) is a huge obstacle for orgasm. So why not alleviate one little stressor and protect your health? After all, STI’s are super common. When I carry my own condoms, I stay clean! To learn more about STIs (and how to protect, test & treat them), check out this handy guide.
9. Women Need Take Charge Of Their Own Sexual Health
My health is my responsibility. And I don’t want my health, or my body, in the hands of anyone else. Not in the hands of politicians and definitely not in the hands of that guy in my bedroom last week. I choose how I treat my body and I’m going to treat it like the queen that I am. When I carry my own condoms, I take a stand for women everywhere. And that’s why women should carry condoms!
Still not convinced about the importance of condoms? Here’s a deeper dive in to why condoms can help you with unintended pregnancy and most unwanted STI’s.
Check out Lovability Condoms, available with condom-carrying tins featuring empowering messaging to remind you that you’re in control of your sexual health and happiness.
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